Saturday, June 10, 2006

...i played a lot today.

In an attempt to get 25,000 party points asap, I decided to skip the $500 mtt today and play a zillion sngs. I was expecting to play about 10 hours or so and have all the points i needed but party decided to not work very well, so i ended up playing about 12 hours, getting 22000 points. I would have kept up the slow grind at the end of the night but the games just stopped loading. Im not 100% sure about my numbers today because im really out of it and I cant think at all. Heres the numbers I ended up with...I went 9/7/18/70 in 530s, 21/12/16/76 in 215s, and 3/1/6/19 in 109s....I think thats 258 games. Im sure I missed a game here and there though, so its probably a few more. I ended up being up $2300ish for the day, but im going to get a $10,000 wsop seat out of the deal too, so all in all, it was a very productive day. I just need to figure out if im going to wake up tomorrow and grind a little more and skip the 1k mtt here or play the mtt then grind. Im thinking ill be ok if I play the mtt and then grind at night. Thats probably what I will do. I'll post again tomorrow.

edit: I woke up around 9:30 and decided to finish up the games I needed to play. I ended up losing $4000 or so all to retarded beats from retarded people. Im pretty sure I have my 25000 points and the $10,000 wsop seat now, which is nice. I may be a few points away though, and if I am, ill just knock them out after the $1000 mtt today.


Blogger Mike said...

Just wondering what kind of setup you use to multitable with when your on the road?(you played all those SNG's from a hotel, right?) If you use a laptop, what is the model/specs?

I am thinking of getting a poker laptop in the near future.

4:38 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

I use a dell inspiron 9300 laptop to play the sngs, even at home. The tables are really small but you get used to it after a little while. If you happen to get one, make sure you get the upgrade on the monitor resoultion.

3:08 PM  

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