Friday, July 07, 2006

just updating

Not much happened yesterday. I was doing well in the $1500 limit mtt, then I got TT against JJ on a JTx board, which basically screwed me down to 8bbs or so then I had AK lose to AT. I can deal with that though, as long as I didnt play bad. I really feel like ive played damn good all series so far. I played about 20 $215s last night for a $400 loss, which isnt all that bad either, as I ran like crap. Basically, ive been losing, but im fine with the results. I am not happy that we went to gambool a little last night and I lost $700. Thats probably enough gambooling for me for this trip. Im glad I got off cheap. Today is the $2500 nl, so hopefully that will go well. Im going to practice some more super lag play, is it is fun and seems to work as long as they dont pick up huge hands. Ill post again whenever I get a chance.


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