Sunday, July 30, 2006

ready for the main event

I got all the bad luck out of my system today. I lost $10,000 in blackjack pretty fast and then lost $2000 in 10 sngs. Thats ok though, as I was stupid unlucky. I also played mario 64 for more of the day on the hotel videogame thing. It took me about 4 hours to beat it. Its amazing how you can remember things you did 10 years ago like it was yesterday. I guess im ready for tomorrow. I watched a few videos by "good" online people last night and a little today. I also played a few fairly deepstacked mtts last night online. I dont really know what else I can do. Im jprobably going to try to run over the table but not go broke with anything stupid. Hopefully I get a nice table full of online fish that are willing to gambool with nothing...but I am pretty convinced that I know how to play the early game against anyone, so I will take whatever comes my way. I'll post again tomorrow.


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