Thursday, August 24, 2006

5/10nl is going well

I think im finding my leaks! YAY. There is one thing I dont like about is that I want to quit as soon as I get stacked. I thought about why this is, as it doesnt really bother me when I lose a $2000 sng, but if I lose basically any medium or big hand on the river, it pisses me off. I figured out that it must be because im not sure if I am making the correct plays or if I am playing like a moron. Ive also noticed that when I raise with something like Axs from late position and a guy with 20 or so bbs from the bb calls and I flop an A, I always donate to them. Ive learned to stop that. I dont really know what else besides the fact that top pair sucks in cash games, whereas its the nuts in sngs. In sngs, it seems that it is much more important to get full value out of any semidecent hand you get...this is odd though because in sngs, the typical bet postflop is 1/2 - 2/3 the pot whereas it seems like it is 2/3 - 1/1 the pot in cash. Very odd, as it seems to go against what I just said. Maybe ill figure out this game someday.

Anyways, ive played 4260 hands, 9 tabling, in the last 2 days running at 9.48bb/100 and $8079 profit, which is great....hopefully I can keep it up. I feel like I am running fairly hot, although I did have 500 hands or so where I just plain got pwned hard. Every hand I made was the 2nd nuts and someone else had the nuts. I guess that happens though. I just have to learn to push through it and not feel like I need to take a break. Hopefully I can get in some more hands tomorrow.


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