Saturday, May 27, 2006

Nice short day.

I feel like bitching, so ill do that first. I was in the $100,000 freeroll on stars today and we were down to 500 out of 3000 people. Everyone was obviously horrible and I had an average stack I got by just pushing preflop against morons when I had AA KK QQ or AK...anyways, like normal, 4 people limped and I had KK on the button. I pushed for 20 bbs or so and the first limper instacalled me with TT so I lost which kinda pissed me off but I guess im supposed to lose a hand here and there. I also lost the $640 mil guarentee today when basically nothing went my way.
As for sngs, I went 6/3/4/17 for a nice $2950 profit, putting me up $2310 for the day which is quite nice. It really is starting to seem like sngs are the only thing im running good in but thats alright as long as I mainly play sngs. That being said, moron me is going to play the mtts on stars and party tomorrow and hopefully get in at least 60 or so sngs. I would play some tonight but I just got back from watching ufc with my dad and I really just feel like sitting around and playing video games. Ill post again after I win $100,000 tomorrow.


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