Tuesday, June 13, 2006

thank you god for setting me straight

God hates me. Simple as that. After seeing shannon lose hu to that guy as a 6000:1 fav, I thought that he was the most unlucky good player alive. God disproved me today, letting me know again that that is my title. I got 2 outered in the mtt today, which is very normal. I watched dave win his mtt for a nice 14k or something like that. So, as of now, shannon has won 25k, dave has won 14k, nate has won 20k in mtt seats, I dont think Reed has won anything but he hasnt played much, and I have won nothing. This live poker thing obviously isnt for me...and the truth hurts. I decided to do the only thing I thought i knew how to do, $215 sngs, and ended up going 2/0/1/20 for a $2500ish loss. I obviously suck at that too. So...im going to go to sleep, sleep all day tomorrow, wake up the next day, go home, and try to not kill myself.


Blogger David Anderson said...

you are way to badass to kill yourself, plus you are a kick ass player who is running unlucky and is WAY to hard on himself. The WSOP will be your coming out party.

God may hate you but remember that Jesus loves you and so do I.

11:22 PM  
Blogger Paul B. said...

lol awesome

2:47 AM  

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