Sunday, August 06, 2006

blah day

I woke up early, around 11:30 to have lunch with my parents. I had left my cell phone charger in vegas, so I used their to charge my phone. I called to check my messages and party told me to call them about some cash out...great. I tried to log into my other party account that had $1100 in it and I was told my password was wrong as well as my email address to retrieve my password was wrong. Eventually someone from paypro told me that someone had hacked my account and cashed out the $1100. They said they are going to investigate and let me know what they find in the next day or two. They claimed that they would help me prosecute whoever they find it to be and that the typical jail time for wire fraud is 10 years. 10 years for $1100 would be rough.
Anyways, I came home and went 3/0/0/1 in my 4 first sngs but then the day went downhill from i was typing this blog out, I was in 2 $530s with like 1000 chips each. There was no way I should have gotten itm in either of these games but these guys just decided to let me take a 2nd and a 3rd, making for a decent day. I went 2/1/1/6 in $215s for $850 profit and 2/3/4/13 in $530s for $1840 profit. It was kinda short day but im tired and want to sit and watch tv.


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