Tuesday, June 20, 2006

-ev day

Well, I woke up, ahd the cable guy come over and got to work only to find out the cable was stil broken. I was up about $700 after 12 games or so so I decided to quit for the day and play videogames. They got boring after like 6 hours of play so I decided to play some more poker. Big mistake. The cable was working fine but my luckbox somehow got obliterated. This must be gods way of telling me im still horrible. Thats ok...I can accept that. I also had a fun 18 buyin otm streak which ended the day. I was basically just losing every hand I played on the bubble...and when I did happen to get hu, I lost every hand there too. I ended up going 2/10/7/50 for a nice -$4035 day. Im like 95% sure if I played about 20 more games, I would win about 15 of them but I dont feel like it all. Bad days are good for you. They keep everything in a nice pessimistic perspective.


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