Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The days keep getting longer...but that isnt a bad thing.

I didnt plan on getting in 128 games today but thats just how it worked. In both me sessions I never really got to a stoping point. Usually ill just play until I cant keep 9 or more games open at a time because not enough people are playing. Anyways, I went 10/21/17/80 for a nice $1880 profit. I basically lost every hand I played heads up today which sucked. That happens sometimes though. Also, I got the 128 games done in 6.75 hours, which is about 19 games per hour, and most of the time in my night session, i was only 9 tabling because 12 would never fill. 12 tabling is makes me feel almost powerful. Its a nice feeling to just sit here and mindlessly grind. Hopefully tomorrow will be nice like today.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

12 tabling fun

Party changed its software so now we can 12 table. woohoo. I played my first session earlier today, 10 tabling, and made a nice $1000 then came back a little later and 12 tabled. When I 10 table, I have just enough time to pay attention and take notes but when I do 12, it is a little close. I also decided to keep up with the amount of time I play, at least for the next few days, to figure out how many games I get in an hour. I played 6.25 hours today, going 13/13/18/66 for a nice $4350 profit. I was planning on playing more but its 1:45 am right now and I cant 12 table anymore because the games arent filling, so I guess im going to watch a little tv then go to sleep.
I really dont see the point of even being awake before 4 pm or so. Not nearly enough games run. There seem to be too many hours in the day for me! I need to find a hobby or a girlfriend. Hopefully tomorrow will be half as good as today.

Monday, May 29, 2006

looooong day

I decided to play lots today because I figured all the fishies would be out due to it being memorial day...and I was right. People were playing so horrible. Too bad I ran like crap. I got 3 outered soooooo many times. If I was running normal, I would have been up at least $5000...instead I was only up $1135. I went 17/6/11/77. I was up $2000 but stupid me decided to play a few more games and ran really bad again. Oh well. Heres my numbers since getting back from the bahamas...

515 $215 sngs games played
$11200 profit
10.1% roi
37 hours worth of play, assuming 14 games per hour, which might be low


All in all, im content so far. Hopefully I can keep it up. Ok...heres my goal for the next week...I either want to make $10,000 OR play 600 sngs, whichever comes first. Hopefully posting here will help me stick to it. I also got everything booked for the lake tahoe wsop circut events. I will be there from 6/8 - 6/15. Hopefully it will be a fun time.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Congrats to my friends

While I have been doing bad in mtts, some of me friends have been killing them. My friend mehbahmeh took 5th in the million guarentee on party on saturday, Apathy took 3rd in the $200k guaretee on paradise today, Bonafone took 1st in that same Paradise mtt today, and deuce2high finaltabled a $530 on paradise and another one on bu tonight....thats a lot of friends to be finaltabling in a weekend. Im happy for them. Hopefully it will be my turn again soon.

i dont get it

I must be horrible at mtts. I ended up playing a $378 on party, a $216 on full tilt, a $530, $215 and $650 on stars today and got back a whoppiong $0. Basically everything that could go wrong went wrong. I got 3 outered in the party, and $530 and $215 stars one, I had QJ on a QJx board lose to KQ in the party one, and on full tilt, I had JJ on a JTx board lose to AA. The one that really pissed me off was the $650 wsop sat on stars that I lost about 30 seconds ago. I ended up taking 39th. I needed to get 23rd to get a $12,000 seat. Thats about the same spot I had last time I played that mtt. I had QQ in late position and obviously the bb has KK. So...obviously god hates me. Thats ok I guess. I also went 6/8/1/40 in $215s for a $625 loss.So, all in all, a nice -$2614 day. I ran really really bad in everything though. I lost 12 $215s in a row at one point. I was starting to worry that I was going to be down a zillion buyins. I might play later tonight but right now, I need to go get untilted.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Nice short day.

I feel like bitching, so ill do that first. I was in the $100,000 freeroll on stars today and we were down to 500 out of 3000 people. Everyone was obviously horrible and I had an average stack I got by just pushing preflop against morons when I had AA KK QQ or AK...anyways, like normal, 4 people limped and I had KK on the button. I pushed for 20 bbs or so and the first limper instacalled me with TT so I lost which kinda pissed me off but I guess im supposed to lose a hand here and there. I also lost the $640 mil guarentee today when basically nothing went my way.
As for sngs, I went 6/3/4/17 for a nice $2950 profit, putting me up $2310 for the day which is quite nice. It really is starting to seem like sngs are the only thing im running good in but thats alright as long as I mainly play sngs. That being said, moron me is going to play the mtts on stars and party tomorrow and hopefully get in at least 60 or so sngs. I would play some tonight but I just got back from watching ufc with my dad and I really just feel like sitting around and playing video games. Ill post again after I win $100,000 tomorrow.

Friday, May 26, 2006

im pretty pissed right now

The day started off great with me getting up $3500 then I proceded to lose almost every hand I played. In my last set of 15 or so games, I lost to 7 3 outered in a row and 2 2 outers. Oh glad to get all the bad luck out of the way I guess even though I honestly hope all those idiots get cancer and die. They see A3 in level 1 and they HAVE to go all in and obviously i HAVE to get outdrawn because AA always loses to A3. Anyways, I went 7/7/6/41 for $485 profit....I am really on some kind of sick tilt right now. Hopefully I can watch some poker videos online, watch alittle tv, and have a productive day tomorrow.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

nice long work day

After i posted last night, I decided to play 30 or so more games mainly because I was bored, plus I wanted to try to get in lots of games for this post. I actually wanted to play more tha I did but I got kinda pissed when I got 2 outered 3 hands in a row at about midnight so I decided that was a good time to stop loading up games. I also lost almost every hand I played once I got heads up, which sucked. That seems to happen to me a lot...maybe I need to work on my hu play somehow. I really think im just losing every hand though. Oh well...Here are the numbers. 8/19/16/70 for a nice $1505 profit.
Im kinda tired but I dont quite feel like going to sleep yet so I guess im going to go watch a little tv. Im supposed to take my brother to see xmen3 tomorrow, so I need to get up early (for me.) I'll just post again tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

rough day at the 215s.

I didnt play any live poker to get the bad beats out of my system, so it should have been obvious to me that I was going to get 3 outered many many times today before i even started. I was planning on playing a lot but honestly, I just feel like taking it easy. Anyways, here are the stats from the $215s since I got back from the bahamas...18/20/18/94 for 37% itm, $4950 profit and 15% itm....It feels like I have played a lot more than 150 games.. I have friends that play 150 games per day. Hell, I used to play 150 games per day. I guess I have gotten lazy. Ok...heres the plan...I am going to attempt to play like 80 games per day for the next few days, except for Saturday because im going to be watching UFC. Hopefully I can meet the numbers and make a little money.

Very rough trip.

Basically, nothing went right for me in mtts ar new orleans. I was doing well in the last mtt I played, considering I had been 3 outered 3 times and 2 outered once, but I got knocked out in the top 15% of the field when I got 3 outered again...People give me no respect at all when I push, I think because I am young and tend to wear brightly colored clothes when I play mtts. I really dont want respect though because people are constantly calling my pushes with hands like 77 and AJ. It is great to be able to get all in basically any time I feel like against a worse hand...its just not nice when they outdraw me. Anyways, I managed to lose about $7000 playing these damn mtts but the trip wasnt a waste, as I made $7000 back from the $215 sngs. As bad as I was running in live mtts, I was running conversly well in sngs. I was basically winning most every hand I played, which is a nice feeling.
So...what is next....Im going to eat with my parents in about 10 minutes then im going to try to force myself to play a bunch of $215s. I was considering not going to lake tahoe at all, as I really dont like the live mtts, but I do like the people ill be staying with, and going on trips with fun people is usually enough to make me not hate the trip. Hopefully that will be fun. I guess ill just post again when something intresting happens.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

more typical bad beats

I was all set to play in the mega satellite and I got sick, probably from the buffet. I still player the mtt but things didnt really go well. I basically blinded off for the first 2 hours which isnt all that bad I guess. I ended up having 2500 chips with 100/200 blinds, which kinda sucks. I got 96d from the cutoff and everyone actually folded to me, which was rare. I had a super tight image so I decided to 600 it. This dumb woman who obviously has a rich husband said call from the sb and she put in 100 more she didnt even mean to call. Anyways, the flop came 876 and she bet 1500...which basically put me in. I was getting decent odds but I thought I was behind...I called anyways and she has Q5...Obviously a 4 comes and I lose. I am really starting to hate these shallow stacked mtts, as it seems like you almost have to make a hand and you will almost always be all in at least a few times, which isnt ever good for me because I autolose every time i need to win. I am starting to get used to it again, which isnt good.

So...whats next for this crappy place? Im going to play a $550 mtt tomorrow and try to play like a loose donkey as that seems to work for everyone else. Im not going to play any more blackjack and i will also stop trying to pick up hot asian women. I guess im going to be content playing one mtt a day and sitting in this hotel room playing $215s.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

i hate blackjack

Well, a few hours ago I was up $1300 from bj..then I was up $3000...and now im up a whopping $300. I went on another sick run follower by a sicker downswing. I guess thats part of the game though. Anyways, im basically down $2000 here now, which kinda sucks. Im playing some $215 sngs now. I dont see myself playing many more live sngs, as we arent able to chop,whick really sucks in my opinion. Oh well...I need to play $215s anyways. I ended up playing 12 tonight, going 2/1/2/7 for a nice $800ish profit. Tomorrow is the megasatellite, so hopefully I can win $10,000 in equity. That would be comforting...and if I dont, thats ok too. Im going to sleep.

being bored in new orleans

I seem to never have a "fun" time when i go to a mtt in the US. All I do is sit around and play poker or blackjack. Oh well. Anyways, I lost in level 2 in the $1000 mtt today. Basically, nothing went right. I didnt win a single hand. I also played a $1000 buyin sng where again, everything went wrong. I did get AA against 55 and doubled up but after that, I lost 3 coin flips, which is starting to become typical again. I am up $1350 from blackjack at the moment, so maybe ill go play some more of that. My goal while im here is to hook up with one of the hot asian women wandering around the casino. Hopefully that will work out. If it doesnt, my second goal is to make $100,000. Right now, im down $1000 which isnt all that bad. Tomorrow they are having a $1000 "metasatellite" and then a $500 on Mon and Tue. Im really not even sure if I want to win a seat tomorrow to their $10,000 buyin event simply because im already ready to leave. Oh well. If I do happen to win a seat, im sure ill be able to luckbox my way to a nice $50,000 or so. I guess ill post again later if anything happens.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Decent day

Well...not much happened today. I went to eat with my parents which was nice. I played a whopping 10 $215s today for $1400 profit, which was nice. I am 7/4/2/27 over the last 2 days for a nice $1600 profit. I am going to probably try to get in 500 or so and see if I am still decent at them. Im not really going to say when U am going to have them done by though because I am really really lazy and im going to be out of town a lot. Im leaving for New Orleans tomorrow with my good friend Pete which should be fun. I really have a headache now. Ive been pretty sick since I got back from atlantis but I think im getting over it. I should probably go get some kind of health insurance...oh well. Im going to get some sleep. I'll probably post again as soon as anything happens in new orleans.

whats the deal?

I am tired of having random retards spam me on numerous other poker sites for various, usually incorrect reasons, so if I dont get a decent numbers of replies here from people who actually want me to keep writing a blog, im going to take it down because honestly, it just isnt worth it when no one has any comments and I get spammed by $6 sng players who envy me. While having fanboys is nice, having retard stalkers isnt.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Looking back at my last post, I have come to realize that im being retarded. Im probably just pissed that I didnt win 90k again this week. After my short disaster in the cash games, I played 22 $215 sngs, going 3/2/2/15 for a small amount of profit. I was considering playing some more tonight but honestly, I just dont feel like it. Its weird. I feel like need to work just for the sake of being productive but I dont really need to work because I am set moneywise for a year or so...Maybe tomorrow I will force myself to put in some hours.

Right now im playing some random mtts on stars. I have been cashing in almost every rebuy tourney I have played on stars since my big cash, which gives me a ton of confidence that I am a winning player in deepstack mtts. While that is all nice, Im not cashing enough in the short stack mtts to make me content. If the mtts in new orleans are anything like they were in tunica, they are fairly short stacked, so im going to put in some time playing the $22 and $55 180 and 90 person sngs and also all the normal mtts tuat run while im waiting for the sngs to fill. I think my problem is that I dont get in there and gamble enough, so im going to work on that. So anyways, ill probably load up 10 or so mtts and see how they go.

I dont know what im going to do.

Well, I have basically been taking it easy for the last few days. I have tried to play a little nl 6 handed cash but every time i do, i get my ass beat. I just dont understand what im doing wrong. Ive been stacked 10 times in the last 500 hands, which just shouldnt happen. Every time i am either in with the best of it or at least a decent draw. It is just discouraging to see everyone I know pwn the cash games while I go broke in them. Thank god I lucksacked that mtt, otherwise id be getting near the end of the road. I have about 140k to my name now, so I have pleanty of time to flounder along and find something im a winner at. I KNOW im a huge loser in cash games and i am 95% sure im not a winner in the sngs with their new structure...all that leaves is mtts, which suck for making a living online and im probably not even a winner in them. So...basically, things suck and im dumbly depressed. Hopefully I will do well in New Orleans and things will turn around.

Monday, May 15, 2006

resting at home

i got home from the bahamas today and honestly, I am glad, as I need a few days away from live poker. I am going to be in new orleans from 5/18 - 5/24 and maybe a little longer for the wsop circut event. The two guys I was supposed to go with bailed on me, so unless I can find some last minute people to go with me, ill be going by myself. Hopefully iy isnt a lonely week of live mtts like Tunica was.
I am sooooooo sore from walking 12 miles a day and riding jet skis in the bahamas. I can barely walk right now. Yesterday, I basically hobbled around our hotel room and played mtts online. I almost got a 10k seat to the wsop but I was a little short, which sucks. Hopefully I can get well rested in the next few days, play like 6000 hands of nl cash, and do well in new orleans.

Friday, May 12, 2006

just chilling

Well, I busted 45th in the $5000 mtt here, taking a net loss of $1000ish, after I paid the people that had percentaces of me, which kinda sucks, but it is encouraging, as I have been at least cashing in all the big mtts Ive been playing, both opnline and live. I cashed in the last $200 mtt, $320 and $500 mtt online and at the party poker million and now here, so its been pretty decent. Our room bill is going to be close to 20k here, as we have been living it up and everything is super expensive. A liter of water is $9...Oh well...I think we are going to play a little live poker so im going to go. I'll probably post again when I get back home.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Still alive in paradise mtt

Well...we are down to 90 or so people and everyone I came with is out but I am still in, so I guess thats good. I am 20th in chips right now, so hopefully I dont screw it up. I am pretty sure they have a blog up somewhere at that will keep track of todays results, so I guess you can check out that if you care to see how im doing. I guess ill post again whenever something happens.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Pretty blah day

I didnt really play all that much today mainly because I feel like crap. Lets see...what did i do...I came in 15th in a $320 mtt on stars for a whopping $750. I got really screwed over in a $109 hu matches where this lucksack hit 4 3 outers on me. I also lost a 1k and a 2k hu game but i won a $500 one. I think I am going to try to make myself play at least 100 $500 hu games. I think I need some structure in my life and right now, im just playing every attractive looking mtt that runs, which probably isnt a good thing. Right now, I am 2nd in chips out of 1000 people 1 hour into the $11 rebuy on stars which is a 1st for me. I have dabest247 to my right and he is basically pushing every hand and I keep calling and winning. Hopefully I dont donk off the huge chip lead. right now, average is 8000 and I have maybe I can make something happen.

Ive been thinking about my mtt play lately and while I have been successful, I think im being a little too willing to get all in with hands like AQ and JJ. Ive never been a huge fan of reraising 1/3 of my chips but I am starting to think it is necessary in the late stages of the mtt to make sure I dont go broke when I shouldnt. After this rebuy and $215 mtt on party are over, im probably going to go to sleep. I guess ill post again once I get in the bahamas.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Another good day

Well, I got deep in a few other mtts today, including a $109 and a $215, which is nice. I am also now 7-4 and 3-0 in hu sngs, all against SH1P 1T. He is super aggressive but has seemed to turn it down the last few games. He also said i was a good player and I havent seen him sitting since. I was thinking about playing some more tonight, but I am happy with the day went as it is and I need to get some sleep becuase I will have to wake up at like 11 am on sunday to fly to nassau and staying up til 6 am isnt good for that. I guess I am going to finish up the small mtt im in and head to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow can be good too.

Replay of 90k win

Well, Poker stars has decided to replay the final table of their $500 mtt from last sunday where I took 90k. It is listed under the "ALL" tab in the tourney section of poker stars. It is the only one listed in big bold black letters. It should be running from now until Sunday. Let me know what you think.

Things have been great.

Well, it has been a while since I last posted. I took my other blog down simply because people that I dont want reading about my life were all over, hopefully this one can be just for the poker comminuty. There were a few spammers out saying that I took down my old blog because I was losing...well, I have went through losing streaks before and never took it down and I dont plan on ever taking it down due to my results. for my results as of late I have been basically breaking even in 2/4 nl over the last 20,000 hands or so, which really really sucks. I think my problem is that I pay off people too much. I would work on fixing it but right now, I am more intrested in working on my mtt skills, as I will be playing a few big ones over the next few months. Fwiw, From 1/1/06 - 3/31/06, I lost about $6000 playing big live mtts, which isnt all that great but not all that bad considering I am still a noob. On 4/30, I had a nice $90,000 score in poker stars' $530 mtt, which was quite nice, as I was about to give up on mtts all together. I have also been playing some big heads up sngs on stars, going 5-3 in $1000s and 2-0 in $2000s. Ive also been playing all the deep stack mtts I can get in when the hu games arent good just for practice. People keep wondering why I am playing $11 rebuy mtts...that is why. I have been doing quite well in them, at least breaking even in most every session I have played.

Ok...Here are the trips I have planned out for the next few months...
5/7 - 5/15: Paradise Pokers $5000 mtt in the bahamas.
5/19 - 2/24: WSOP circut events in New Orleans
6/8 - 6/15: WSOP circut in Lake Tahoe
6/26-8/10: WSOP in Las Vegas

Well...thats about all thats on my mind. Ill probably post again tomorrow or maybe again tonight if I do well in any of these mtts im in.

Edit: Well, I ended up taking 7th in the $33 rebuy for a nice $1000 or so. I also played a $3 and a $11 rebuy where I got deep in the money on both of them, which is nice. I ended up getting 3 outered in both of them but that happens I guess. Anyways, lots of deep finishes are very encouraging. Hopefully I can keep it up. So far, since the big mtt cash, I am up $5603, which is very nice. I am also up $1000 on party from mtts but down $1000 from cash games. So...+ $5000 in 5 days isnt bad considering I didnt play 2 of them.